Un lungo viaggio, una gita, una passeggiata? 

Oppure una giornata di lavoro intenso in cui non si sa quando si riuscirà a fermarsi per mangiare? O ancora, un aperitivo in famiglia o con qualche amico? 

Meglio avere a portata di mano qualcosina da sgranocchiare! 

Snacks gustosi adatti a tutti i gusti e per tutte le esigenze. 

Sempre con ingredienti di prima qualità e con un bel mix di tradizione e fantasia.

 Capers-flavours Bibanesi are Italian savoury speciality with a unique twist. Infused with the distinctive taste of Garda capers and extra virgin oil, these Bibanesi offer a savoury and slightly tangy experience. This product provides a flavourful accompaniment to various dishes, making them a delightful and distinctive choice for those who enjoy a hint of real Italian goodness in their snacks.

0,00 €
Corn and Rosemary Shortbread 250 gr
Corn and rosemary savoury shortbread offer a surprising taste on the classic frollini. Made with corn flour and infused with the aromatic essence of rosemary, these savoury shortbreads provide a unique combination of earthy flavours and a subtle crunch. Perfect for those who appreciate a savoury snack with a touch of aromatic richness, these biscuits make for a flavourful and satisfying treat.

0,00 €
Fregolota with almonds
Fregolota’s savoury bites are a peculiar Italian snack. This crumbly treat, typically sweet, takes a savoury turn with the addition of Parmesan cheese. The result is a delightful bled of buttery crumbles and the nutty crunch of almonds. Perfect as a quick snack or accompaniment to predinner drink or cocktail as a truly and tasteful Italian aperitif.

0,00 €
Garda Olives Shortbreads 250 gr
Garda olive shortbread is our savoury speciality. The combination of the richness of the Garda olive and the texture of parmesan cheese creates a unique experience and taste. Perfect for this savoury snack with a touch of Italian goodness, these biscuits capture the essence of the Lake Garda area.

0,00 €
Pesto di Pistacchio di Sicilia
PESTO DI PISTACCHIOINGREDIENTS: 60% Sicilian pistachios, sunflower oil, salt and pepper. Gluten-free, palm oil-free, lactose-free, hydrogenated fat-free.

0,00 €
Thyme and Parmesan Shortbread 250 gr
Thyme and parmesan savoury shortbread biscuits are delectable combination of rich flavours. Infused with the aromatic essence of thyme and the savoury goodness of parmesan cheese, these frollini offer a delightful blend of herbal notes and cheesy richness. Perfect for those who savour a savoury snack with a gourmet touch, these shortbreads provide a satisfying experience of each bite.

0,00 €